Awerix CPA Professional Corporation

Audit and Review engagements

Stakeholders of certain businesses like non-profit organizations, publicly traded companies, and some private companies demand accountability, transparency and assurance in accuracy of the financial statements. These stakeholders could be board of directors, investors, financiers who want to be fully informed on the financial state of the organization and evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of its management and operations.

Due to complexities of the new assurance standards, there is significant pressure on those individuals that are responsible for governance to ensure relevant and accurate financial information is published to all external stakeholders. With more Canadian companies going global and looking for funding and investment opportunities internationally, there is a need to improve the comparability and transparency of financial information for both shareholders and regulators.

At Awerix CPA, our auditors offer client-centric tailored approach and strategy to ensure that all engagements are completed on time and within budget. Our firm’s focus on ethics, independence, and integrity, coupled with our quality control methodology and in-depth expertise, helps us continually enhance audit quality. We go beyond audit insights, by providing additional perspectives on business.

Our experienced professionals have developed end-to-end audit process ensuring full due diligence is performed in compliance with Canadian auditing standards. We take steps to understand our clients, their business, their customer base and their strategies before we start work on any engagement. Our approach, efficient process and due diligence ensures that we successfully complete the engagements. We help maintain financial reporting excellence for our clients so stakeholders can have confidence in the integrity of the financial data that is reported.

We have established a rigorous process and quality control system that ensures compliance to professional standards, resulting in an efficient and meaningful audit. Our commitment to independence and focus on risk management allows for the early disclosure of business and control concerns and makes it possible for clients to focus their efforts on areas of risk.

Our partner and managers are actively involved in the planning and execution of each engagement. This involvement brings maturity and practical business ensuring successful completion of all engagements. We invest a great deal of training in our staff to ensure they are well equipped with required skills and technical knowledge.

Our assurance services help address the challenges of managing risk, making meaningful financial information available to C-level executives, management, business owners, board of directors and investors. We ensure integrity of the process is maintained throughout the process.
