Awerix CPA Professional Corporation

Educational Institutions

Although all educational institutions are united in their shared goal to provide the best possible foundation for their students to succeed, the differences that exist within the industry are vast and myriad. Whether your educational institution is for-profit or not-for-profit, we have extensive experience working with organizations of all kinds and can help you to meet the unique challenges your educational institution faces as part of a truly unique industry.

Educational institutions are subject to stricter regulatory environments than most, and are subject to tough conditions on their funding, particularly in the not-for-profit sector. Fundraising is an important element of every educational institution’s revenue-generating activities, and we have the expertise needed to ensure that the revenue is recorded in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, for private enterprises as well as for not-for-profit entities.

Here are just a select few of the services we provide:

  • Assurance services (audit, review, and compilation)
  • Tax services (T4s, T5s, payroll remittances, HST filing and instalments)
  • Valuation (fair market value of fixed assets, inventories, etc.)
  • Other consulting services
